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Strong competition for 1st Romanian got talent semifinal: Suleyman, Steaua football game and Once in a lifetime. Show’s audience


Romanii au talent semifinala 20141st live semifinal, the biggest competition this season, as it intersected with Suleyman (Kanal D), Steaua – Vaslui football game (Antena 1) and Once in a Lifetime (TVR 1).


The 1st semifinal was seen by 3.7M Romanians, with Pro TV being, by far, the leader of the audience top. The semifinal had smaller audience than the pre-selections and lasted 1.5 hours more than them.

At national level, the show had 3.6M viewers, followed by Kanal D (910.000) and Antena 1 (900.000). The national gold minute was 22.37, when Romanians got talent was watched by 5.37M people.

In towns, Pro TV had 1.8M viewers, followed by Kanal D (560.000) and Antena 1 (500.000). For this segment of audience, the gold moment was 22.40, when 2.65M people were watching Pro TV’s show.

On the commercial public, Romanians got talent was watched by over 1M people, followed by Antena 1 (220.000) and Kanal D (200.000).

During Romanians got talent, on the intersection interval ( 20.30 – 22.15), Kanal D’s Suleyman was watched by 1.7M people at national level (+200.000 compared to previous week) and by 1.05M people in urban areas.

More audience data is available here

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Autor: Carmen Maria Andronache

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